Hello World!

Greetings, and welcome to Zack's Facts.

This blog was started as part of an assignment for a writing class. This blog is about the video game technology, and video games themselves. Hopefully, the viewpoint contained within is enlightening, and enriching.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Effect of 3d on Modern Culture

Although we live in a three dimensional world, the obsession culture has with entertainment rendered in 3D is astounding. In the past, the idea of there being a third dimension was uninteresting to most people. They simply accepted it as part of what existed, and went on. This, of course, assumed they were even aware of this fundamental fact.

Some things changed, however, when the idea of taking media, such as comics, pictures, film, et al, and bringing them 'to life' in a 3D way. Before we go into what changed this idea, we should have a firm understanding about what makes something appear to be '3D', or to 'pop out' as it may be.